Wednesday, May 30, 2018

The Subconscious and the Superconscious Planes of Mind by William Walker Atkinson

The Subconscious and the Superconscious Planes of Mind by William Walker Atkinson

The Subconscious and the Superconscious Planes of Mind by William Walker Atkinson PDF Free Ebook Read Online

Atkinson keeps his incredible insight on the human mind, analyzing every possible aspects of the subconscious mind, memory, habits and others; to arrive to what he calls the superconscious, where all those “possibilities of activities as yet not generally unfolded into actual manifestation” are in storage. “We have seen that in the Infra Conscious region of the mind there are certain activities which seem to be outside of the category of those which belong strictly to the subconscious—activities which cannot be considered as resulting from the past race or individual experience along the lines of racial memory or heredity, or of the memory of the individual—and yet which do not fit into the category of the “parallel” activities which we have classified as “the psychic.” In short these activities seem rather to belong to a higher rather than a lower or even parallel plane of consciousness. The Orientals for centuries have recognized these activities and have classified them as belonging to the “superconscious” plane of mentation—a plane above the ordinary plane of consciousness, just as the subconscious is a plane below it, and the “psychic” plane parallel to it. The superconscious plane is a plane of “above consciousness,” just as the subconscious is a plane “below consciousness.” How to develop and unfold the superconscious: that is what Atkinson will try to teach to the minds that are prepared.

Chapter 1 -  Infra‑Conscious Mentality.
Chapter 2 - The Manifold Mind.
Chapter 3 -  Hudson’s “Subjective Mind.”
Chapter 4 - Unconscious Cerebration.
Chapter 5 -  A Remarkable Instance.
Chapter 6 - The Subconscious Memory.
Chapter 7 -  Typical Cases.
Chapter 8 -  Inherited Memory.
Chapter 9 - Mental Habit.
Chapter 10 - The Subconscious and the Body.
Chapter 11 - Twilight Regions.
Chapter 12 - The Superconscious.
Chapter 13 - Unfolding the Superconscious.

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