Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Practical Mental Influence by William Walker Atkinson - New Thought Book

Practical Mental Influence by William Walker Atkinson

Practical Mental Influence by William Walker Atkinson PDF Free Ebook Read Online

 Practical Mental Influence
•  Chapter 1 - The Law of Vibration. Records of Mysterious Influence of One Mind over Another. The power has always existed.
•  Chapter 2 -  Thought Waves. Waves of Mental Vibratory Energy. A burning up of Brain Matter. Varieties of Thought Waves, and  the  Characteristics  of  each.  How  Thought  Waves  Manifest,  and  how  they  affect  other persons.
•  Chapter 3 - Mental Induction. How  Thought  Vibrations  set  up  induction  in  the  minds  of  others.  Comparison  between Thought, Magnetism and Electricity. How Mental States are transmitted.
•  Chapter 4 - Mental Concentration. What Mental Concentration is and how it works. The Occult Teachings regarding Concentration. How  to  Concentrate.  How  to  develop  the  Powers  of  Concentration.  A  course  of  Training described aud explained.
•  Chapter   5 - Mental Imaging.  What occultists call a “Mental Image.” What they use it for and how they use it. The Mental Magic Lantern.
•  Chapter 6 - Fascination.  Mental Fascination. Personal Magnetism. “Charming.” Irresistible Influence. Alluring Qualities of  the  Mind.  Instances  of  Great  Men.  The  Secret  of  Fascination.  Examples.  Explanations  and Instructions. A valuable Bit of Informationvi
•  Chapter 7 - Hypnotic Influence.  The  distinction  between  Fascination  and  Hypnotism.  How  Hypnotic  Influence  affects  the person.  The  Truth  about  Hypnotism.  General  Instruction  of  the  Subject,  with  illustrative  examples and directions for producing the phenomena.
•  Chapter 8 - Influencing at a Distance.  Exerting  Mental  Influence  upon  others  at  a  distance.  How  the  Mental  Currents  flow  to  a distance. How Distant Treatments are given. The Occult Practices are given. A number of the most effective methods are given, with particulars of practice.
•  Chapter 9 - Influencing “En Masse.”  How Mental Influence may be used to affect great numbers of people at the same time. How the Great Men of politics, business and professional life manifest this form of Mental influence. Valuable Information in a nutshell.
•  Chapter 10 - The Need of the Knowledge.  The  need  of  this  instruction  on  the  part  of  the  public.  How  the  force  is  being  used  against people,  and  why  they  should  learn  to  protect  themselves  by  learning  the  principles  of  the subject. The Good and the Bad features of Mental Influence. Ignorance no protection.
•  Chapter 11 - Magic Black and White.  The differences between White Magic and Black Magic. A word of Caution and Warning against the improper use of the Power.
•  Chapter 12 - Self-Protection.  Full instructions in Self‑Protection. The Source of Inner Power. How it may be called into effect. The Powers of the Ego, and how they may be employed and aroused. This lesson alone is worth more than the price of the book.

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